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April 11, 2010


Sandy Alperstein

Thanks, Lori - your writing always hits the spot!

Daunna Minnich

Lori, my character is warped. I can't help but wish people would piss you off more often – your pain is blog readers' gain! Thanks once again for the levity.


Lori,I feel like I read story about me and my son.Exactly in one week I have IEP meeting and I feel like you described-I EXPERIENCE PAIN.I'll will add a few words- about seizures...bad dream or real shake.My almost 9 year son went through that bad experience year ago.Thank you- Agnes


*screams of laughter while tears roll down my face* Why?

Because I have a bag of Hershey's kisses next to the bed and a cheesecake in the freezer!!!!

Cindy Shortt

Thank you for your humorous insights.

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