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December 09, 2009


Daunna Minnich

Congratulations on the well-deserved recognition, Charlie!

Your column does not malign educators as a group, but certainly you have encountered a number of individuals whose practices have created a need for your services. Your blogs are full of good advice and insight that is of value to special educators just as it is to parents, and surely that is why you've landed on the 50-Best list. Hope this recognition inspires you to share even more!

Charles P. Fox

Daunna: thank you for staying with the blog even through periods that we have not been posting.

Charlie Fox


Congratulations. I wish more of us special ed professionals would read your blog.

Sandy Alperstein

Congrats on this well deserved recognition!



A well deserved nod of recognition. The info and analysis on this blog is very comprehensive and thoughtful.

Keep up the fine work!

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