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January 01, 2008


Sandy Alperstein

LOL - this brought back lots of childhood memories, but with a new twist. Thanks for a thought-provoking yet fun piece!

Happy New Year and all the best to you and yours!



Continue your love and understanding with the Special Kids . The Lord will give you Heavenly Reward

Daunna Minnich

Humor from Lori — a perfect start to the new year. Somehow, Lori, you always manage to make life in your corner of the world sound like nonstop fun and games. Thanks!



As always you provide an enlightened perspective on our daily lives with a brilliant sense of humor.

Thank you.



I love this - in fact, I love all that I have read on your site so far! Thank you so much. Your perspective is just so so so true for us parents of "special" (aren't they all special?) kids. I've just started blogging so am discovering a whole new world of on-line commentary. Please come check out my blog at lookingforlifeshumor.wordpress.com. Comments always welcome!

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