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June 18, 2007


Liz Ditz

Thanks Charles!

One of my personal fav sites is SchwabLearning, especially the parents' discussion board. It's a digital version of many hands make light work.



Thanks for the shout out Charles! As you know the feeling is mutual as I am eternally grateful to you and Lori for your blog. Eventhough you are specializing in California law - there is so much here that has helped me just the same.

I didn't realize your child was a former 27-weeker! Ok - some day you might share a picture or two, nudge, nudge. ;-)

Thanks again!


I took my girls to a study group for a new educational and SAFE website for kids called Zoopri. I think it is going to be amazing! You should contact them to help spread the word to help all children. Thanks for our article. It was fantastic.

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