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March 10, 2006


Ellen Williamson

I have spent the last 10 years putting my heart and soul into helping Special Education students in Chicago. While I think it is necessary to have high standards for all students and help them reach their highest potential, I am extremely frustrated with my students having to take their state achievement test on grade level. The only modification these students receive is more time. However, if they can't read the test, more time does not really help. I would love to hear from other special education teachers who have had success dealing with testing issues.


Julia Roberts

I am a parent of an LD child in the State of MD. Maryland this year will use high stakes testing to determine graduation elegibility. Even though this years class of 2009, takes the Maryland HSA, and could be refused graduation if they do not pass, Maryland has yet to come up with testing accomodations for its LD students. They are working on a proto-type. How can MD. give a high stakes test to LD students, but not have measures in place for its LD. Students yet. Some schools are denying standard accomodations to 504 and IEP children on the HSA. Maryland needs help!

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