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February 27, 2006


Daunna Minnich

Great advice!  This is the most complete info I've seen on this subject.
Question about #9, "Parents need to inquire that the data was produced in accord with publisher guidelines" – How do you inquire so that you don't just get a "yes, of course" answer? Seems like you have to know in advance what the guidelines are so that you can not only ask the right questions but evaluate the answers.  In fact, even more to the point, it seems like this is a question/request to discuss before the evaluation takes place!

Kate Copsey

Mr Fox
I am not sure how I came across your 'blog' but it is very helpful to those parents attempting to get services for their children. Many of us learn along the way how to do that, but it is a bumpy road.
We have a child who was diagnosed with Aspergers in late 2003 (horror story). We moved to Pa in spring 2004 so I did not fight the Indiana school for services- they had him down for maybe ADHD and maybe a math problem. The kids are in Catholic school. We had to get retested because we were in another state. It has taken me 10 months to get services from the district for his LD math. To do so, I had to invoke NCLB, FAPE, dual registration etc.etc. I still have to transport the child from 1.45 until 2.35 from his school to the public school for the services. One gets tired of jumping through hoops. How people that work full time do this I do not know, I have the luxury of working from home.
Hopefully your blog will help those who are still jumping through those hoops, and I am sure that it will help me along the way too.
Thank you

Sherry Hollis

I have wondered what good is it to even have 'independent' evaluations done outside the school system, when the school will most times ignore and not 'consider' the results of the outside evaluations. I know that by IDEA the schools are suppose to use the outside evals in determining sped eligibility, but I have heard too many times they won't do this. Another example of rampant illegal actions by schools because they KNOW they can get away with these things and NO ONE will enforce schools to do right.

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