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November 02, 2005


Daunna Minnich

Very punny!

Patricia Felvey

What an outstanding piece of work! How the heck did you think of this...the content really envelopes your title "High Stakes Jesting" and affords all parents of a special needs child a chuckle in lieu of a sunchola to the offending ditz!


Enjoyed reading this - sounds sooooo familiar, as I know it did to a lot of other moms I know who have little ones in special ed!

Also, I noticed others who when asked a question by a child with special needs, the adults (!?) would either totally ignore the question, the child, or would turn to the parent and ask the parent to repeat the question, because obviously poor Susie or Johnnie was unintelligible (when they weren't!) or they had no idea what they were saying.

Tracy Cleghorn

I am the editor of the DS newsletter "Down Right Active" located in Virginia. I wanted to know if I can get your permission to use your great and humerous blog in our next edition? I would certainly give you credit.
Thank you, Tracy

Dianne McNamara

Lori - This is pricelesss. With your permission, I would like to print this in our parent newsletter.

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